Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning Decision Meeting - Thursday 13 February 2025, 12:00pm - Slides Tab - Cotswold District Council Webcasting
Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning Decision Meeting
Thursday, 13th February 2025 at 12:00pm
Agenda item :
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Councillor Juliet Layton
Nickie Mackenzie-Daste, Officer
Councillor Juliet Layton
Councillor Juliet Layton
Councillor Juliet Layton
Councillor Juliet Layton
Councillor Juliet Layton
Councillor Juliet Layton
Councillor Juliet Layton
Webcast Finished
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Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:00:21
I will now present a review of thefunding programme.
services. We are here today to discuss the Syrincestor neighbourhood plan. The purpose
is to consider whether a neighbourhood plan submitted by Syrincestor town council meets
the legal criteria necessary to progress to public consultation and subsequent independent
examination. Before we do that, I would like the officers to introduce themselves and give
Nickie Mackenzie-Daste, Officer - 0:00:58
me any declarations of interest please. Hello my name is Nicky Mackenzie -Dast, I'mDemocratic Services Officer and I have no declarations of interest. Thank you.
Officer - 0:01:08
Hello I'm Joseph Walker, I'm Head of Economic Development and Communitieshere at Cosmo District Council and I have no declarations of interest either.
Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:01:18
Thank you. Thank you very much. Now Joseph if you could just give us a briefoverview of this please and any comments you have. Thank you. Thank you Councillor
Officer - 0:01:28
Layton. So yes this is the Syrinsester neighbourhood plan which is aplan proposed to cover the sort of parish boundaries of the town of
Syrinsester and it's been submitted to the District Council along with
supporting documentation in line with the statutory requirements that
that must be met for neighbourhood plans.
So to progress, the plan must be submitted
to the District Council.
It would then go to consultation
onto an independent examination
and should it be recommended,
it would then move forward to referendum.
I do have a question for Professor.
It seems as though we're picking up everything
that's being said and it's being fed through
a speaker in the room next door.
Okay, can we just pause the meeting for a second?
Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:02:19
I think we just pause the meeting for a second. Thank you.Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:03:02
Apologies about that. It seems that we were interrupting another meeting with our recordingand our sound. So Joseph, if you'd just like to just summarise again perhaps or just finish
Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:03:17
off there that would be great thank you with our transmission and we wereinterrupting another meeting so if Joseph you could do a brief summary of
the ending part of your what you were saying thank you yes thank you
Officer - 0:03:31
councillor Leighton and so yes the the point was that the Sire and Cessnaneighborhood plan is following a process set out in the neighborhood planning
regulations so has been submitted to the district council in order for us to take
it forward for consultation so prior to that consultation starting the council
shows itself that the submission meets the criteria set out in regulation 15
which are pretty straightforward and are covered in the plan it's sorry covered
in the report presented today but essentially the requirement is that
there is a draft of the of the plan itself supported by two key appendices
one being a basic condition statement the other being a consultation statement
it then also has to be accompanied by appropriate environmental screening and
I'm pleased to say that all those documents have been submitted by
Cyrenschester at this point this is not a qualitative judgment you know we can
make comments as indeed can can any other interested party wants consultation
starts but I'm very happy to say that the submission presented is very much
and you know meets the requirements very very clearly of presenting those
documents. Thank you. That's super thank you very much. Well the recommendations
on our paper is one that the cabinet member, that's myself, agrees that the
submitted documents meet the requirement of regulation 15 of the neighbourhood
planning regulations 2012 which is what Joseph was just saying and consequently
the council will launch the statutory regulations that 16 publicity period for
the standard six -week period I'm very content with what I've seen on the paper
Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:05:17
so I support those recommendations did you want to say something else JosephOfficer - 0:05:20
and if I could and just a very quick comment in terms of the the commencementof the regulation 16 consultation just to note that the County Council elections
will be going ahead later this year we will need to double -check whether the
consultation timeframe runs before or over that pre -election period and whether there's
any sort of conflict there. So we haven't set dates for that consultation at this point,
but it can obviously follow now this decision. What once this decision has taken place? Thank
Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:05:51
So when we will be able to advise people further along the course of when the six week pre -electionperiod is in? We'll know that later, yes? I would expect we'll have those
Officer - 0:06:05
conversations in the next week during the overview and scrutiny calling periodon this decision so that we're in a position to determine the timeframe for
that consultation by the point the council will be able to enact this
Councillor Juliet Layton - 0:06:21
decision. Fabulous. So all that information will go out to the public probably in thenext week or two. Yeah I'm very happy with that and all the papers that are
and good luck, I say to Sire ancestor for the following weeks for regulation 15.
Thank you.
- Regulation 15 Decision 2025, opens in new tab
- A. CTC Document_Jan 25 (1), opens in new tab
- B. CNP Reg16 Basic-Conditions-Statement V1, opens in new tab
- C CNP Reg 16 Consultation Statement, opens in new tab
- D1 Cirencester Neighbourhood Plan, opens in new tab
- D2. Cirencester Neighbourhood Plan HRA report, opens in new tab