Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 22 July 2024, 4:00pm - Cotswold District Council Webcasting
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 22nd July 2024 at 4:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies
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Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor Tristan Wilkinson
Councillor Patrick Coleman
Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Clare Turner
Councillor Tony Slater
Councillor Jon Wareing
Councillor Gary Selwyn
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gary Selwyn
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Ana Prelici, Officer
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
2 Substitute Members
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
4 Minutes
Agenda item :
5 Matters Arising from Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
6 Chair's Announcements
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Agenda item :
7 Public Questions
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Agenda item :
8 Member Questions
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Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
9 Report back on recommendations
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Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
10 Publica Review- Detailed Transition Plan
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Ana Prelici, Officer
Andrew Brown, Officer
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor David Cunningham
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor David Cunningham
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tony Slater
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tony Slater
Councillor Gina Blomefield
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tony Slater
Councillor Gina Blomefield
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Clare Turner
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tristan Wilkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gary Selwyn
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Patrick Coleman
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Dilys Neill
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Jon Wareing
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Andrew Brown, Officer
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Jon Wareing
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
11 Channel Choice and Telephone Access Update
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Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tony Slater
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Patrick Coleman
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Patrick Coleman
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tristan Wilkinson
Councillor Joe Harris
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gary Selwyn
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
12 Service Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter Four
Agenda item :
12 Service Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter Four
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Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tristan Wilkinson
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tony Slater
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gary Selwyn
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor David Cunningham
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
13 2023-24 Final Revenue and Capital Outturn Report
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David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Jon Wareing
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tony Slater
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Patrick Coleman
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Patrick Coleman
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor David Cunningham
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tristan Wilkinson
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
David Stanley, Deputy CEO
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
14 Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report
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Councillor Patrick Coleman
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tony Slater
Councillor Gina Blomefield
CEO Rob Weaver
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Andrew Brown, Officer
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
15 Updates from Gloucestershire County Council Scrutiny Committees
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Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Dilys Neill
Councillor Gary Selwyn
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Tristan Wilkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Councillor Angus Jenkinson
Councillor Gina Blomefield
Agenda item :
16 Work Plan and Forward Plan
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Councillor Gina Blomefield
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Publica Review Detailed Transition Plan Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Annex A - Detailed Transition Plan, opens in new tab
- Annex B - EIA, opens in new tab
- Channel Choice and Telephone Access Update, opens in new tab
- Annex A, opens in new tab
- Annex B - Equality Impact Assessment, opens in new tab
- Perfomance Report 2023-34 Quarter Four, opens in new tab
- Annex A - Corporate Plan Action Tracker 2023-24 Q4, opens in new tab
- Annex B - Council Priority report 2023-24 Q4, opens in new tab
- Annex C - Performance Report Q4 2023-2024, opens in new tab
- Financial Performance Report - 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Annex A- Capital Programme Outturn 202324, opens in new tab
- Annex B- General Fund and Earmarked Reserves, opens in new tab
- Annex C - Non Treasury Management Prudential Indicators, opens in new tab
- Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report, opens in new tab
- Annex A - Executive Scrutiny Protocol, opens in new tab
- Annex B - Recommendations to Cabinet from Overview and Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Annex C- O&S work plan, opens in new tab
- GEGSC Report July 2024, opens in new tab
- HOSC report, opens in new tab
- Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan July 2024, opens in new tab
- Executive Forward Plan July 2024, opens in new tab